Microfiber Cloths
Microfiber cleaning cloths put your name in the hands of your clients on a daily basis. These smart looking useful promotional products come in handy for the most used daily products in the work - Smart Phones, Computers and Glasses.
It makes sense to put your message on this handy promo item. Clean up in marketing give away items with Premier Awards Microfiber cloths.
Un-packaged Microfibre Cloths in 4 sizes
This is a great way of getting your message across.
Used for glasses, phones and computer screen wipes.
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Microfiber Cloth Packaging Options
Microfiber Cloth Packaging Options
Packaging solutions for cloths.
Including distribution service.
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What people are saying
The Plaques arrived today and look great! Thank you very much!
Received the brass plaque. It is wonderful. Fantastic workmanship. Thank you so much for all your help.
Fantastic customer service & quality finishes
Thank you Premier Awards. Your attention to detail along with amazing service has resulted in another successful soccer presentation !!! Many years and counting.
Just received the trophy today. It looks fantastic!! Love the engraving!! Keep up the great work!!
Good afternoon Sarah, Angela (and anyone else that helped us) Just wanted to let you know we received the awards today and they are just perfect.Thanks you very much, especially for being so understanding at the end with the million last minute add-on requests!
I picked up my BAppSc(SpMgt) award replication today and was very impressed (wife thinks it is great as well). Brilliant work at a great price!!
The trophies arrived today and look FANTASTIC!!!! I would like to thank you for your help with this order and I hope you have a lovely week.